Privacy Statement

July 1, 2001

To Our Valued Customers:

State and federal laws and regulations require financial institutions (including insurance companies) to notify and inform you how they will use certain nonpublic personal financial information you have given us. They are required to notify you each year. It is R-T Specialty / Buffalo's policy to protect your privacy and the personal information you have entrusted to us.

What is R-T Specialty / Buffalo's policy on sharing your private information?

  1. We will only use information you have provided to us to assist in obtaining appropriate insurance coverage for you.
  2. We will not distribute personal information concerning you to other parties for anything other than insurance underwriting purposes.
  3. We will continue to work with you to protect your privacy.

How will other financial institutions handle your private information?

State and federal laws and regulations allow financial institutions (banks, insurance agencies and companies, and others) to share your personal information for marketing purposes. However, in certain circumstances, you must be given the opportunity to "opt-out", or prohibit the sharing of your nonpublic personal information. R-T Specialty / Buffalo voluntarily restricts the distribution of your nonpublic personal information. Examples of financial service providers that may share your information are:

  1. Your bank
  2. Your mortgage company
  3. Your securities dealer
  4. Credit card companies
  5. Other insurance agencies and insurance companies besides R-T Specialty / Buffalo.

For more information on privacy, visit these websites:


Our entire staff is prepared to answer any of your questions and provide further information to ensure the privacy of your nonpublic personal information is protected.

R-T Specialty / Buffalo